Mission Statement:
To inspire professional development and ethical leadership in justice court judges and clerks, through high-quality education
1. Advance the interests of Justices of the Peace as officials of their respective counties and the State of Texas.
2. Provide continuing education for Justices of the Peace and Justice Court personnel.
3. Publish and distribute reports, data, legislative updates and other information related to Justice Courts.
4. Promote effective justice for the people of Texas.
We invite you to become a member
Click here for Membership Information
Our association represents the Justices of the Peace and their clerks and provides education for the courts. Over 22 years ago the Texas Justices of the Peace saw a need to have an association that strictly provided for the needs of the Justice of the Peace and the Court Clerks.
Membership benefits include access to materials form previous seminars, an archive of our newsletter, information about legislative updates that effect the Justice Courts.
Upcoming Education Classes
Spring Education Seminar - Round Rock, April 14 - 15, 2025
Judge & Clerk of the Year nomination forms and Scholarship information is posted on the Education page.
Members Benefits
Members have access to our Legislative updates, Seminar Materials and Newsletter Archives in the Member's Section.
Upcoming Election Information
Each year we rely on our members to participate in our elections by voting for members to serve on the Board of Directors. This year, we have three positions slated to be voted on: President, Vice President and Director for Region 2.
To be listed on the ballot as a candidate for a position, a member must file an application with the Election Committee not later than midnight on March 31, 2024. The application must include (1) the position sought; (2) the member’s written consent to serve, if elected; (3) biographical information about the member; and a statement of the member’s qualifications, including a statement that the member has the qualifications prescribed by Section IV of the Bylaws. To review the election process, please see Section VI of the Bylaws.
In addition, any proposed amendments to the Bylaws must be submitted to the Bylaw Committee by March 31, 2024, to be placed on the ballot. Proposed amendments may be submitted to the committee by contacting Greg Magee at gmagee@eastex.net.
An application and a copy of the Bylaws may be obtained at the links below.
Application to be Placed on Ballot
BYLAWS -Texas Justice Court Judges Association (Approved 10.31.2022)